Herbal Consultation

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Herbal Consultation


Do you have a physical, mental, emotional, cosmic and/or Spiritual imbalance for which you are seeking holistic healing? Are you seeking solutions that can go alongside other treatments or be a replacement for previous ones that don’t seem to be in alignment? Are you on your healing journey and seeking ways to enter deeper into your self healing practice?

Schedule this consultation with AnAkA, who will not only listen from a holistic space, but will suggest herbal blends, subtle body tools and how to use them. AnAkA will also possibly suggest personal rituals for Ancestral healing that are in alignment with the physical, mental and/or emotional impacts you are experiencing.

Note: After reserving here, AnAkA will email you to schedule a specific time. This consultation will be followed up with an offering of the products AnAkA makes as an additional charge.

AnAkA is a certified Herbal Physician (of the Herbal School of Esoteric Medicine) as well as a birth and death doula in training. She has been healing herself and community with herbs professionally since 2018 after graduating from the Sacred Vibes Apothecary program.
